10 facts about Indonesia

10 facts about Indonesia in simple English: 1. Location: Indonesia is in Southeast Asia, made up of over 17,000 islands. 2. Capital City: The capital city is Jakarta. 3. Population: Indonesia is the world's fourth most populous country with over 270 million people. 4. Language: The official language is Indonesian (Bahasa Indonesia). 5. Currency: The currency used is the Indonesian rupiah. 6. Religion: Indonesia has the world's largest Muslim population. 7. Economy: The economy relies on natural resources, agriculture, and tourism. 8. Biodiversity: Indonesia has rich biodiversity with rainforests and unique wildlife like orangutans and Komodo dragons. 9. Volcanoes: Indonesia has many active volcanoes, including Mount Merapi and Mount Bromo. 10. Culture: Indonesian culture is diverse with influences from Hinduism, Buddhism, and Islam, seen in traditional dance, music, and art. Would you like to know more about any of these facts? Mount Merapi is about 2,930 meters (9,610 feet) tall. It's one of Indonesia's most active volcanoes. Interested in more facts about Mount Merapi? Mount Merapi is known for its frequent eruptions. It typically experiences small eruptions every two to three years on average. Major eruptions, which can be more destructive, occur less frequently, with notable events recorded roughly every 5-10 years.

5/8/20241 min read

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