Formation 构成

kanji script
kanji script

"Examples of Chinese Character Formation: Combining Components to Create Meaning"

1. 好 (hǎo): The character for "good" or "well" is formed by combining the character for "woman" (女) and "child" (子). It suggests that having a woman and a child is considered good.

2. 明 (míng): The character for "bright" combines the characters for "sun" (日) and "moon" (月), symbolizing that having both the sun and the moon makes the sky bright.

3. 休 (xiū): The character for "rest" is created by combining the character for "person" (亻) and "tree" (木), implying that a person resting under a tree is taking a break.

4. 林 (lín): The character for "forest" is formed by putting together two "tree" (木) characters, indicating many trees together make a forest.

5. 信 (xìn): The character for "trust" or "letter" is made by combining "person" (亻) and "words" (言), suggesting that a person's words can be trusted.

6. 男 (nán): The character for "man" or "male" is formed by combining the characters for "field" (田) and "strength" (力), implying that men traditionally worked in the fields.

7. 尖 (jiān): The character for "sharp" is created by putting the character for "small" (小) above "big" (大), suggesting a sharp point.

8. 家 (jiā): The character for "home" or "family" is formed by placing the "roof" symbol (宀) over the character for "pig" (豕), reflecting that a household traditionally had a pig under the roof.

Each of these combinations tells a story or conveys a concept through the union of simpler components. Would you like more examples or details on how characters are formed?