What's the difference between "穿" (chuān) and "戴" (dài) in Chinese?

In Chinese, "穿" (chuān) and "戴" (dài) are both verbs used for wearing or putting on clothing and accessories, but they are used in different contexts. Here’s how to use each one correctly:

穿 (chuān)

Definition: "穿" is used to describe the act of wearing or putting on clothes, shoes, and socks.


1. Clothes:

- 他穿了一件红色的衬衫。(Tā chuān le yī jiàn hóngsè de chènshān.) — He is wearing a red shirt.

2. Pants/Shorts/Skirts:

- 她穿着裙子。(Tā chuān zhe qúnzi.) — She is wearing a skirt.

3. Shoes:

- 你穿什么鞋子?(Nǐ chuān shénme xiézi?) — What shoes are you wearing?

4. Socks:

- 他穿了一双白袜子。(Tā chuān le yī shuāng bái wàzi.) — He is wearing a pair of white socks.

戴 (dài)

Definition: "戴" is used to describe the act of wearing or putting on accessories, such as hats, glasses, jewelry, and watches.


1. Hats:

- 他戴了一顶帽子。(Tā dài le yī dǐng màozi.) — He is wearing a hat.

2. Glasses:

- 她戴着眼镜。(Tā dài zhe yǎnjìng.) — She is wearing glasses.

3. Jewelry (Rings/Necklaces/Earrings):

- 她戴了一枚戒指。(Tā dài le yī méi jièzhǐ.) — She is wearing a ring.

4. Watches:

- 你戴什么手表?(Nǐ dài shénme shǒubiǎo?) — What watch are you wearing?


- 穿 (chuān): Used for clothes, shoes, and socks.

- Examples:

- 他穿了一件外套。(Tā chuān le yī jiàn wàitào.) — He is wearing a coat.

- 她穿了一条牛仔裤。(Tā chuān le yī tiáo niúzǎikù.) — She is wearing jeans.

- 戴 (dài): Used for accessories like hats, glasses, jewelry, and watches.

- Examples:

- 他戴了一副手套。(Tā dài le yī fù shǒutào.) — He is wearing gloves.

- 她戴了一条项链。(Tā dài le yī tiáo xiàngliàn.) — She is wearing a necklace.

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