How to use “了” In Chinese?

The particle "了" (le) in Chinese is a versatile character used in various contexts to indicate a change of state, the completion of an action, or to express emphasis. There are two main types of "了": aspect particle 了 and modal particle 了. Here’s a detailed explanation of their usage:

1. Aspect Particle 了 (le)

This 了 is used to indicate the completion of an action or event. It is usually placed after the verb.


- To show completed action:

- 我吃了饭。(Wǒ chī le fàn.) - "I have eaten."

- To indicate a past experience:

- 他去过了北京。(Tā qù guò le Běijīng.) - "He has been to Beijing."


- Subject + Verb + 了 + Object

- 我看了书。(Wǒ kàn le shū.) - "I have read the book."

- Subject + Verb + 了 + Duration

- 他工作了三年。(Tā gōngzuò le sān nián.) - "He has worked for three years."

2. Modal Particle 了 (le)

This 了 is used at the end of a sentence to indicate a change of state, a new situation, or to emphasize the current relevance of an event.


- To indicate a change of state:

- 天黑了。(Tiān hēi le.) - "It is getting dark."

- To express a new situation or realization:

- 我们到了。(Wǒmen dào le.) - "We have arrived."

- To indicate an imminent action:

- 我们要走了。(Wǒmen yào zǒu le.) - "We are about to leave."


- Sentence + 了

- 他不来了。(Tā bù lái le.) - "He is not coming anymore."

- Verb + Object + 了

- 我买了书了。(Wǒ mǎi le shū le.) - "I have bought the book."

Combining Both Types of 了

Sometimes both types of 了 can be used in one sentence, often to indicate the completion of an action and the resulting change of state.

- Example:

- 我吃了饭了。(Wǒ chī le fàn le.) - "I have eaten (and I am full)."

Key Points:

- Aspect Particle 了 focuses on the completion of an action.

- Modal Particle 了 emphasizes a new state or situation.

- Placement is crucial: Aspect Particle 了 is placed after the verb, while Modal Particle 了 is placed at the end of the sentence.

Examples in Context:

- Aspect Particle 了:

- 他昨天写了三封信。(Tā zuótiān xiě le sān fēng xìn.) - "He wrote three letters yesterday."

- Modal Particle 了:

- 你快迟到了!(Nǐ kuài chídào le!) - "You are going to be late!"

Understanding and practicing the use of "了" in various contexts will greatly improve your fluency and comprehension in Chinese.