Guizhou 贵州

Top 10 tourist attractions in Guizhou, China.

中国贵州十大旅游景点 (中英)

1. Huangguoshu Waterfall

- Huangguoshu Waterfall is one of the largest waterfalls in China, located in Anshun, Guizhou. It is known for its impressive height and width, and visitors can view it from different angles, including a cave behind the waterfall.

- 黄果树瀑布是中国最大的瀑布之一,位于贵州安顺。它以其壮观的高度和宽度而闻名,游客可以从不同角度欣赏,包括瀑布后面的一个洞穴。

2. Zhenyuan Ancient Town

- Zhenyuan Ancient Town is a historic town with a history of over 2,000 years. It features well-preserved ancient architecture, winding streets, and beautiful riverside views.

- 镇远古镇是一座有着两千多年历史的古镇。它拥有保存完好的古建筑、蜿蜒的街道和美丽的河滨风光。

3. Xijiang Qianhu Miao Village

- Xijiang Qianhu Miao Village is the largest Miao ethnic village in China. It offers a unique cultural experience with traditional Miao customs, architecture, and festivals.

- 西江千户苗寨是中国最大的苗族村寨。它提供了独特的文化体验,包括传统的苗族习俗、建筑和节日。

4. Kaili Ethnic Minorities Museum

- Kaili Ethnic Minorities Museum showcases the diverse cultures of Guizhou's ethnic minorities. The museum displays traditional costumes, crafts, and artifacts.

- 凯里民族博物馆展示了贵州少数民族的多样文化。博物馆展出传统服饰、工艺品和文物。

5. Fanjing Mountain

- Fanjing Mountain is a UNESCO World Heritage Site known for its unique rock formations, diverse plant species, and spiritual significance in Buddhism.

- 梵净山是联合国教科文组织世界遗产,以其独特的岩石形成、多样的植物种类和佛教中的精神意义而闻名。

6. Zhijin Cave

- Zhijin Cave is one of the largest and most spectacular karst caves in China. It features impressive stalactites, stalagmites, and other natural formations.

- 织金洞是中国最大、最壮观的喀斯特洞穴之一。它拥有令人印象深刻的钟乳石、石笋和其他自然形成物。

7. Libo Zhangjiang Scenic Area

- Libo Zhangjiang Scenic Area is known for its stunning karst landscapes, clear rivers, and lush forests. It is a popular destination for nature lovers and photographers.

- 荔波樟江风景区以其迷人的喀斯特地貌、清澈的河流和茂密的森林而闻名。它是自然爱好者和摄影师的热门目的地。

8. Qingyan Ancient Town

- Qingyan Ancient Town is a well-preserved ancient town with traditional Ming and Qing dynasty architecture. It offers a glimpse into the rich history and culture of Guizhou.

- 青岩古镇是一座保存完好的古镇,拥有传统的明清建筑。它提供了对贵州丰富历史和文化的一瞥。

9. Jiabang Rice Terraces

- Jiabang Rice Terraces are a series of picturesque terraced fields carved into the hills by the local Miao people. The terraces are especially beautiful during planting and harvest seasons.

- 加榜梯田是由当地苗族人雕刻在山丘上的一系列风景如画的梯田。梯田在播种和收获季节尤其美丽。

10. Dragon Palace Cave

- Dragon Palace Cave is a vast underground karst cave system featuring an underground river, waterfalls, and stunning rock formations. It is often called the "underground Dragon Palace."

- 龙宫洞是一个巨大的地下喀斯特洞穴系统,拥有地下河流、瀑布和令人惊叹的岩石形成物。它常被称为“地下龙宫”。

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