Understanding "否极泰来" (pǐ jí tài lái): Definition, Breakdown, and Examples


"否极泰来" (pǐ jí tài lái) is a Chinese idiom meaning "extreme adversity leads to prosperity." This phrase suggests that when a situation reaches its worst point, it will soon change for the better. It conveys the idea of hope and the cyclical nature of fortune, where bad times are followed by good times.


1. 否 (pǐ) - adversity, bad luck

2. 极 (jí) - extreme, utmost

3. 泰 (tài) - prosperity, good luck

4. 来 (lái) - come, arrive


1. Example 1:

- Sentence: 虽然现在公司遇到困难,但我们坚信否极泰来,好日子马上就会到来。

- Translation: Although the company is facing difficulties now, we firmly believe that "否极泰来," and good times will come soon.

- Explanation: This example shows how a company remains hopeful during tough times, believing that prosperity will follow adversity, illustrating the concept of "否极泰来."

2. Example 2:

- Sentence: 经过了这么多的挫折,他终于迎来了否极泰来的时刻,事业开始步入正轨。

- Translation: After so many setbacks, he finally reached a "否极泰来" moment, and his career started to get on track.

- Explanation: This example highlights how someone experiences a turnaround in their career after a period of difficulties, demonstrating the idiom's meaning.

These examples and explanations illustrate how "否极泰来" can be applied in different contexts to emphasize the belief that extreme adversity will eventually lead to a positive change and prosperity.