Understanding "醍醐灌顶" (tí hú guàn dǐng): Definition, Breakdown, and Examples


"醍醐灌顶" (tí hú guàn dǐng) is a Chinese idiom meaning "to have a moment of sudden enlightenment" or "to be profoundly inspired or enlightened." It describes the experience of receiving wisdom or knowledge that has a transformative and enlightening effect, much like having the finest, purest ghee (clarified butter) poured over one's head.


1. 醍 (tí) - ghee (clarified butter)

2. 醐 (hú) - ghee (clarified butter)

3. 灌 (guàn) - pour, irrigate

4. 顶 (dǐng) - top of the head


1. Example 1:

- Sentence: 经过大师的一番指点,他如同醍醐灌顶,顿时明白了很多道理。

- Translation: After the master's guidance, it was as if he had experienced "醍醐灌顶," suddenly understanding many principles.

- Explanation: This example shows how someone's profound insight or enlightenment came from receiving wise guidance, illustrating the concept of "醍醐灌顶."

2. Example 2:

- Sentence: 那本书的内容对我来说简直是醍醐灌顶,让我对生活有了全新的认识。

- Translation: The content of that book was like "醍醐灌顶" to me, giving me a completely new understanding of life.

- Explanation: This example highlights how reading a book provided a transformative and enlightening experience, demonstrating the idiom's meaning.

These examples and explanations illustrate how "醍醐灌顶" can be applied in different contexts to describe moments of profound enlightenment and inspiration that lead to a deeper understanding or transformation.