Understanding "海纳百川" (hǎi nà bǎi chuān): Definition, Breakdown, and Examples


"海纳百川" (hǎi nà bǎi chuān) is a Chinese idiom meaning "the sea embraces a hundred rivers." This phrase symbolizes the idea of great capacity and inclusiveness, suggesting that just as the sea accepts water from all rivers, a person or organization should be open-minded and receptive to diverse ideas, cultures, and talents.


1. 海 (hǎi) - sea

2. 纳 (nà) - to accept, to embrace

3. 百 (bǎi) - hundred

4. 川 (chuān) - rivers


1. Example 1:

- Sentence: 一个成功的团队需要海纳百川的精神,接纳不同背景和经验的人才。

- Translation: A successful team needs the spirit of "海纳百川," accepting talents from diverse backgrounds and experiences.

- Explanation: This example shows how embracing diversity within a team can lead to success, illustrating the concept of "海纳百川."

2. Example 2:

- Sentence: 这座城市以其海纳百川的文化氛围吸引了世界各地的游客和移民。

- Translation: This city attracts tourists and immigrants from all over the world with its "海纳百川" cultural atmosphere.

- Explanation: This example highlights how a city's inclusive and open-minded culture can attract people from around the globe, demonstrating the idiom's meaning.

These examples and explanations illustrate how "海纳百川" can be applied in different contexts to emphasize the importance of inclusiveness, open-mindedness, and the ability to embrace diversity.