Understanding "举一反三" (jǔ yī fǎn sān): Definition, Breakdown, and Examples


"举一反三" (jǔ yī fǎn sān) is a Chinese idiom meaning "to infer three from one." This phrase suggests the ability to draw inferences and make deductions based on limited information, emphasizing learning and applying knowledge from one example to understand and solve multiple problems.


1. 举 (jǔ) - raise, lift, cite

2. 一 (yī) - one

3. 反 (fǎn) - infer, reflect, deduce

4. 三 (sān) - three


1. Example 1:

- Sentence: 老师希望学生能举一反三,通过一个例子理解更多的知识点。

- Translation: The teacher hopes students can "举一反三," using one example to understand more concepts.

- Explanation: This example shows how a teacher encourages students to infer and deduce further knowledge from a single example, illustrating the concept of "举一反三."

2. Example 2:

- Sentence: 他学习能力很强,总是能举一反三,从一个问题中领悟到解决其他问题的方法。

- Translation: He has a strong ability to learn, always able to "举一反三," understanding how to solve other problems from one question.

- Explanation: This example highlights someone's ability to apply knowledge from one problem to solve others, demonstrating the idiom's meaning.

These examples and explanations illustrate how "举一反三" can be applied in different contexts to emphasize the importance of critical thinking and the ability to generalize knowledge from specific instances to broader applications.