Understanding "未雨绸缪" (wèi yǔ chóu móu): Definition, Breakdown, and Examples


"未雨绸缪" (wèi yǔ chóu móu) is a Chinese idiom meaning "to repair the roof before it rains." This phrase emphasizes the importance of preparing for potential problems or difficulties in advance, rather than waiting for them to happen and then reacting.


1. 未 (wèi) - before, not yet

2. 雨 (yǔ) - rain

3. 绸 (chóu) - silk, to bind or strengthen

4. 缪 (móu) - to sew, to mend


1. Example 1:

- Sentence: 公司在经济景气时就开始未雨绸缪,为未来的市场波动做好准备。

- Translation: The company started "未雨绸缪" during economic prosperity, preparing for future market fluctuations.

- Explanation: This example shows how a company prepares in advance for potential economic challenges, illustrating the concept of "未雨绸缪."

2. Example 2:

- Sentence: 家庭要未雨绸缪,早些储蓄以应对可能的紧急情况。

- Translation: A family should "未雨绸缪," saving money early to deal with potential emergencies.

- Explanation: This example highlights the importance of saving money in advance to handle possible emergencies, demonstrating the idiom's meaning.

These examples and explanations illustrate how "未雨绸缪" can be applied in different contexts to emphasize the value of foresight and preparation to mitigate future risks or problems.