Understanding "红红火火" (hóng hóng huǒ huǒ): Definition, Breakdown, and Examples


"红红火火" (hóng hóng huǒ huǒ) is a Chinese idiom meaning "flourishing and prosperous." This phrase is often used to describe a situation, business, or atmosphere that is thriving, lively, and full of energy and success.


1. 红 (hóng) - red (a color often associated with prosperity and good fortune in Chinese culture)

2. 红 (hóng) - red (repeated for emphasis)

3. 火 (huǒ) - fire, blazing

4. 火 (huǒ) - fire (repeated for emphasis)


1. Example 1:

- Sentence: 新开的餐厅生意红红火火,每天都有很多顾客光顾。

- Translation: The newly opened restaurant is flourishing and prosperous, with many customers visiting every day.

- Explanation: This example shows how a business is thriving and attracting many customers, illustrating the concept of "红红火火."

2. Example 2:

- Sentence: 春节期间,街上张灯结彩,红红火火,充满了节日的喜庆气氛。

- Translation: During the Spring Festival, the streets are decorated with lanterns and lights, flourishing and prosperous, filled with a festive atmosphere.

- Explanation: This example highlights a lively and vibrant atmosphere during a festival, demonstrating the idiom's meaning.

These examples and explanations illustrate how "红红火火" can be applied in different contexts to describe situations or environments that are full of life, energy, and prosperity.