Understanding "大道至简" (dà dào zhì jiǎn): Definition, Breakdown, and Examples


"大道至简" (dà dào zhì jiǎn) is a Chinese idiom meaning "the great way is extremely simple." It conveys the idea that true wisdom and profound principles are often straightforward and simple, rather than complicated.


1. 大 (dà) - great, big

2. 道 (dào) - way, path, principle

3. 至 (zhì) - extremely, to the utmost

4. 简 (jiǎn) - simple, simplicity


1. Example 1:

- Sentence: 他在处理复杂问题时,总是遵循大道至简的原则,结果常常事半功倍。

- Translation: When handling complex problems, he always follows the principle of "大道至简," resulting in achieving more with less effort.

- Explanation: This example shows how applying simple and straightforward methods can lead to effective solutions, illustrating the concept of "大道至简."

2. Example 2:

- Sentence: 设计师认为,最好的设计理念就是大道至简,去除多余的装饰,让功能和美感自然呈现。

- Translation: The designer believes that the best design philosophy is "大道至简," removing unnecessary decorations and letting function and beauty naturally present themselves.

- Explanation: This example highlights how simplicity in design can lead to elegance and functionality, demonstrating the idiom's meaning.

These examples and explanations illustrate how "大道至简" can be applied in different contexts to emphasize the value of simplicity and straightforwardness in achieving profound and effective outcomes.