Understanding "大智若愚" (dà zhì ruò yú): Definition, Breakdown, and Examples


"大智若愚" (dà zhì ruò yú) is a Chinese idiom meaning "great wisdom appears foolish." This phrase suggests that those who possess profound wisdom often appear simple or unassuming on the surface. It emphasizes the idea that true intelligence doesn't need to be flashy or ostentatious and that those who are truly wise often act with humility and simplicity.


1. 大 (dà) - great

2. 智 (zhì) - wisdom, intelligence

3. 若 (ruò) - like, as if

4. 愚 (yú) - foolish, stupid


1. Example 1:

- Sentence: 他虽然外表看起来平凡无奇,但实际上深藏不露,真是大智若愚。

- Translation: Although he appears ordinary and unremarkable on the surface, he is actually profoundly wise, truly embodying "大智若愚."

- Explanation: This example shows how someone with great wisdom can appear simple or unremarkable, illustrating the concept of "大智若愚."

2. Example 2:

- Sentence: 她在会议上不多说话,但每次发言都能一语中的,显得大智若愚。

- Translation: She doesn't speak much at meetings, but every time she does, her words are spot-on, demonstrating "大智若愚."

- Explanation: This example highlights how someone who speaks little but with great insight embodies the idiom's meaning, showing that true wisdom often appears unassuming.

These examples and explanations illustrate how "大智若愚" can be applied in different contexts to emphasize the value of humility and the subtlety of true wisdom, which often appears simple or foolish to others.