10 facts about the 本草纲目 (Běncǎo Gāngmù), also known as the Compendium of Materia Medica:

1. Author: It was written by Li Shizhen, a famous Chinese herbalist and physician.

2. Publication Date: The book was first published in 1596 during the Ming Dynasty.

3. Content: It contains detailed information on herbs, animals, minerals, and other substances used in Chinese medicine.

4. Entries: The compendium includes over 1,800 different entries of medicinal substances.

5. Illustrations: It features nearly 1,100 hand-drawn illustrations to help identify the medicinal substances.

6. Organization: The book is organized into 52 volumes, covering different categories of substances.

7. Scientific Approach: Li Shizhen aimed to correct errors and inconsistencies in earlier texts and included his own observations and experiences.

8. Influence: It has been one of the most important and influential books in the history of Chinese medicine.

9. Global Impact: The Compendium has been translated into many languages and studied worldwide for its extensive knowledge of traditional medicine.

10. Preservation: Original copies of the book are preserved in museums and libraries, considered valuable historical documents.

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